Day 14 and 15

Im falling behind on posting so I’ll put these 2 days into one post. Day 14 was on Sunday, November 10th, and Dat 15 was on Monday, November 11th.

Day 14

This day was a good day because we are down to the final small details of the house. The plan that I had set had pretty much been rearranged completely once things were left down to the final details. But here is what was accomplished:

  • All the baseboards were finished painting
  • Brother mowed the lawn in the front and back of the house.
  • Mom cleaned more of the kitchen. It needs a deep clean so this is taking a while.
  • The trim on the door was cut (I made the wrong cut a couple days ago so it had to be recut) and installed.
  • Baseboards in pantry was put back in the closet.
  • Pressure washed the neighbors fence that was facing our side. It turns out that the tenants were using that part of the fence to barbecue and there was carbon all over that section.

Hours worked: 5 hours

Total hours worked: 78.5 hours

Day 15

Yesterday was the final day where I’m starting to see that we are at the end. After today, the only thing I really see that needs to be done is the cleaning of the house. But here is what ended up happening:

  • Went to Home Depot to get some paint to touch up the doors in the house. Turns out I got the wrong color because the clerk and I were just guessing. It was hard to see the numbers or paint color on the old Home Depot lid.

After doing some research and using ChatGPT, I was able to find out the code. So today, ill head to Home Depot after work and try out the number. It turns out that the first 4 numbers of the serial is the Home Depot store number. I could see that the first 3 numbers are 331, so I told ChatGPT to find a Home Depot store number that similarly matches 331. It gave me a list of stores and their number, and behold!! The Home Depot that’s on the opposite side from where the house is located matches is 6331 (there are multiple Home Depot’s by this house). So now I got the first number that is missing from this picture.

  • Finished the bottom part did the trim that needed to be done. Had to make a few cuts.
  • Caulked and painted trim.
  • Brother pressure washed the back of the house.
  • Both mom and brother cleaned the sliding glass door in the living room. Turns out that water leaks through all sides when pressure washing, will have to add some extra weather strips to doors.
  • Painted the ceiling in the kitchen
  • Started removing some of the tools and equipment
  • Threw out excess garbage and put on curb
  • Swept the rooms

Hours worked: 4.5

Total hours worked: 83 hours